+90555 35553



Genius Factory

Genius Factory


Starting in kindergarten, the academic world opens up to reveal its many wonders: The kindergarten rooms at Oakley International School burst with energy and enthusiasm. Remarkably, The Oakley team has  created a curriculum which taps into the inner drive for understanding as well as the deep need for creativity and meaningful social engagement.

Oakley is probably the only school in the region  applying the Montessori philosophy in an educational program for 2-5 year-olds. We provide a positive, stimulating introduction to classroom education in a private school setting for students in Genius Factory -Toddler program of OAKLEY and students from age 3 to 5, are offered both full- and half-day sessions. Children learn the Montessori philosophy of order, independence, concentration and coordination, gradually moving from the concrete to the abstract.

Peaceful toddler classrooms are rich in materials that naturally stimulate explorative learning. During this sensitive developmental stage when the child is absorbing information at an exponential rate, the carefully prepared environment – furniture, learning activities, relationships and routines – help the child reach his or her fullest potential.

The OAKLEY’S  distinctive KG-prep program  addresses the three primary developmental areas for a child around the age 3 and provides objects, environment and class rooms which are required to develop those skill areas.

Children strengthen their gross muscle and coordination skills through planned activities like scrubbing, pouring and balancing. Movement enhances thinking and learning in the kids.

 A well-designed Preschool Movement Program of OAKLEY for children ages 3 through 5. Oakley has developed IMIL programme for developing a preschool movement curriculum and lots of resources containing developmentally appropriate movement activities.

 Toddlers also use specialized play equipment that stimulates fine and gross motor development, are treated to outdoor learning experiences and play on nature scape equipment of OAKLEY.

Oakley’s Early Language Development Programme (ELDP) is designed to improve early speech, language and communication development amongst 2-6s

Oakley has developed this unique curriculum for language development in the kids.
This program is offered to kids aged as young as 2 to 6 years old to cultivate basic language skills in their lives. Language fluency and skills can help stimulate higher levels of thinking in children and also help them to communicate better with those around them and the activities include singing, rhyming, reading stories and naming and labelling of materials.

Language enrichment program specialize in language learning in which we introduce young children to skills such as reading, spelling, conversing and at the same time, incorporate the following:

  • Phonemics Awareness

  • Phonics

  • The Vocabulary Improvement and Oral Language Enrichment through Stories (VIOLETS) and ELDP aims to

Gain ideas for activities that can develop language and play in an everyday play environment

Understand the importance of parental support for the development of speech, language and communication

Understand the importance of working in partnership with parents of children with speech, language and communication needs

Oakley’s research-based kindergarten prep program has been carefully designed to meet children’s unique needs while preparing them for elementary school.

Program highlights include:

  • Teachers equipped with skills achieved through- Oakley’s Unique training program-SUPER TEACHER will help children to reach developmental and academic milestones assigned as per the curriculum.

  • Active Learning Methodology (ALM) based on Creative, hands-on, and project-based learning

  • Support for core pre-academic areas including literacy, mathematical reasoning, and scientific investigation through exclusive signature programs of OAKLEY

  • Multiple and diverse learning activities that ensure children thrive in all areas of development

  • Focus on the understanding of teamwork and positive self-image through OAKLEY-LIFE SKILLS programme.

  • Safety, security, and cleanliness practices that meet or exceed all state, local, and national guidelines

  • Early STEM learning that encourages future-forward skills

  • Wonder Stations of OAKLEY: Real tools and materials to tinker, construct, and create
